Sunday, October 28, 2012

October's Baker's Challenge: Mille Feuille

Blog checking lines: Our October 2012 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Suz of Serenely Full. Suz challenged us to not only tackle buttery and flaky puff pastry, but then take it step further and create a sinfully delicious Mille Feuille dessert with it!

My Mille Feuille looked a bit more like turnovers than the lovely layered napoleons they were intended to be. In my imagination they were going to have many layers, a light, lump free pastry cream and an intricate icing design.

Two weeks of the flu, many house guests and two job interviews later...voila! A lumpy, single layer with a drizzle of simple icing and a few stewed pears thrown in.

Not a master piece but yummy none the less.