Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Too many vegetables, too little time

Our dream of eating lots of organic produce is turning into a nightmare! Every time the organics box arrives it reminds me of all its rotting friends in the fridge. The guilt has driven me to try to menu plan a bit better. By the way, that picture of my fridge is before I finished loading the organics box - it got way worse!

Right now there's a boat load of carrots, a bunch of celery, two heads of lettuce, cabbage, 9 minus 3 kiwis (just threw 3 away), parsnips, apples, oranges, onions, kale, avocado, mint, cilantro, parsley, thyme, shitake mushrooms...what to do with it all?

I imagine you all screaming at your computer screens 'make a soup! make a soup!' and I guess i will, although I'm not really thrilled about it for some reason.

Last night's meal just killed me on the curry front, and I want to make a soup that will be a departure from those flavours. Maybe an orange carrot coconut soup? I've come to believe there will always be a can of coconut milk lurking in the back of my cupboard. I hope so!

Beyond the soup I'm thinking smoothies or kiwi muffins, an apple/cabbage salad and perhaps wrapping the tofu from last night in lettuce, with some other things thrown in? Or maybe I'll just go watch back to back episodes of 'a baby story' and make compost instead :)

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